What Is the Best Definition of Subdivision

When someone in North America mentions a subdivision, it is probably a suburb. When planned communities are designed, developers divide the plots to facilitate sale. When a botanist talks about subdivisions, she means something completely different: an orderly group of plants. Regardless of how the word is used, a subdivision is essentially a smaller section of a section or part of something that is divided. When using the repertoire, there may be a slight confusion due to the subdivision of titles. Like the subdivision strategy, the down payment initiative will primarily help waiting lists that have the funds – or are narrowly failing – to buy homes. This definition was accompanied by the following footnote: In Alberta, subdivision is the division of a single parcel of land into two or more parcels, each of which must be given a separate title. The subdivision is also used for existing lot line adjustments. Notwithstanding certain exceptional circumstances, approval and approval of the subdivision by the local municipality must always be obtained before the subdivision can be registered with the cadastral titles office and titles issued (including bare condominiums). Exceptions may occur for parcels containing more than a quarter of a section, a river parcel, a parcel by a lake or certain settlement parcels created before 1 July 1950.

Smaller solid canvas bags are very convenient for subdivision and arrangement. for the purpose of selling or developing a building: any division of a parcel of land into two or more parcels, parcels or parts is, of course, a subdivision. The intention is to cover all subdivisions of land whose immediate or final purpose is to sell or build on the land. The inclusion of a definition in the text of the law is intended to avoid including in the control of the planning commission cases such as the division of the property of a testator among his children, the division of the assets of the partnership of partners in the event of dissolution or cases of this type under the control of the planning commission. In the 1920s, the Coolidge administration formed the Advisory Committee on Planning and Zoning, which took as its first task the publication of the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act in 1926, a model that allows state legislators to use the legislation. [2] In 1928, the Standard Planning Enabling Act (CSBPS) was published. [3] The EABP covered six themes: (1) the organization and authority of planning commissions responsible for developing and adopting a management plan; (2) the content of the management plan; (3) the provisions relating to a master plan for the highway; (4) the provisions relating to the approval of all public improvements by the Planning Commission; (5) control of the private subdivision of the land; and (6) provisions for the establishment of land use planning commissions. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “subdivision.” The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. In addition, the CSPMS definition leaves the term “building development” unclear and indicates whether the identification of multiple construction sites on a single parcel of land constitutes a subdivision subject to the Planning Commission`s review and approval authority. Interpretations of this situation vary from one U.S.

jurisdiction to another. Subdivision developers can only use the services of an architect once, while the rest of the land houses use the same main model: the resulting houses all look like the Markham, Ontario photo above. Other methods of increased subdivision and their effects on the fate of the ship will be discussed later. The overarching goal of a subdivision is to create an environment conducive to overall development and sustainable growth, with development defined as follows:[5] It supports the Comprehensive Communities Plan and believes that the City should accept its proposal to allow the subdivision of single-family homes. If something large or complex is divided into smaller parts, you can call each part a subdivision. The act of separating something into parts is also known as subdivision. See the full definition of subdivision in the dictionary of English language learners, which would provide an overview of the performance of the product based on these subdivisions. Subdivision is the act of dividing land into pieces that are easier to sell or develop, usually through a platform. The former single piece as a whole is then known in the United States as a subdivision. Subdivisions can be simple, with a single seller and buyer, or complex, with large tracts of land divided into many smaller plots. [1] When used for housing, it is generally referred to as a residential subdivision or subdivision, although some developers tend to refer to these areas as communities. In the United States, the creation of a subdivision was often the first step in creating a new community or incorporated city.

Contemporary notions of subdivisions are based on the system of surveying lots and blocks, which became widely used in the 19th century to address the expansion of cities into the surrounding farmland. While this method of asset identification was useful for the transfer, it did not take into account the overall impact of the expansion and the need for a comprehensive approach to community planning. The last subdivision is that of parishes into parishes, of which there are three thousand seven hundred and thirty-five. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for the subdivision I live in a townhouse for which I paid $83,000, in a subdivision called Windsor Park, one of only two in the immediate vicinity. In the Philippines, subdivisions are areas that have been divided into individual residential plots. While some subdivisions include exclusive gated communities, others are just boundaries that designate a particular neighborhood. Some subdivisions may operate autonomous security or provide basic services such as water and waste management. Most subdivisions are administered by associations composed of members residing in the subdivision. In the Philippines, subdivisions are also known as villages. In 69 of these cases, the Commission expressed its satisfaction with the proposed subdivision. “subdivision” means the division of land, land or parcel into two or more parcels, land, sites or other land for the direct or future purpose of selling or developing buildings; It includes redivision and, if appropriate to the context, refers to the subdivision process or the subdivided country or territory. [3]:6 The issue of testamentary division of property was identified by CSPMS in the footnote defining subdivision, but has not been fully clarified by CSPMS.

In some jurisdictions, a testamentary division of property does not constitute a legal subdivision for the purpose of the separate transfer of “divided” parcels. [4] The couple had recently qualified to purchase a property in a residential subdivision, but could only afford the down payment if they drew on their pension funds. It is not necessary to sell a subdivision in whole or in part for the resulting parts to be considered separate parcels of land. A subdivision platform approved by a local planning commission, once registered in a register of deeds, is usually assumed to have created the parcels identified on the platform itself. Subdivisions can also be intended for commercial or industrial development purposes, and results vary from retail malls with independent plots to industrial parks. A few years later, the family moved to the peaceful Raintree Subdivision of Temple Terrace. . land development design work, construction of drainage structures, construction of buildings or public spaces of use, planning and construction of public roads and highways, and installation of public services. .